Phoenix Night Skyline

Terrorism: What To Look For

ACTIC is committed to working with federal, state, and local law enforcement to prevent the threat of terrorism in the state.  Citizens have a vital role in our efforts to keep the state safe.

The Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center operates 24/7 for citizens to call with information about suspicious persons or circumstances that may be related to terrorism or criminal activity.  All information is evaluated, analyzed and investigated.

Do not ignore your feelings of uneasiness about a person or circumstances you may encounter.  If you observe someone or something unusual or suspicious, take the time to contact police and have the situation checked out.


Some characteristics to consider are:
  • Persons asking unusual types or quantity of questions about building security or law enforcement in the area;
  • Persons taking still pictures or video, sometimes discreetly, of buildings, bridges, or other locations from unusual positions, such as from under a bridge;
  • Persons asking detailed questions about the schedules of public transportation in the area that goes beyond what is readily available on published schedules;
  • Persons seen timing the arrival/departure of public transportation;
  • Persons seen loitering around or photographing non-public areas around reservoirs, water treatment plants, dams, or power plants;
  • A person or persons watching a building for extended periods of time;
  • Persons disguised as panhandlers, street vendors or sweepers not previously seen in the area;
  • Suspicious vehicles abandoned or parked in unusual places or at unusual times